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Would you like to have the ultimate comfort for each person in your home in Auburn, AL? If so, a ductless air conditioning system (also called a mini-split AC system) may be the right choice for you. Ductless AC systems provide some noteworthy advantages over traditional central AC systems.

Temperature Control for Every Room

People have different temperature preferences. A person in the dining room may prefer a cooler temperature than someone in the living room. A traditional zone setup may not allow single room temperature control. With ductless AC systems, however, each room has its own unit, allowing each person to set his or her desired room temperature.

Quiet Operation

A traditional central AC system generates a good bit of noise by the air moving through the ducts. With no ducts, ductless AC systems are much quieter.

Ease of Installation

Traditional central AC systems need ductwork to operate. If your home has no ductwork, you need to determine if installing ductwork is possible and worth the trouble. Duct installation can take up to three weeks and may involve extensive renovations, whereas a ductless air conditioning system can be up and running in a day

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Ductless air conditioning systems are very efficient and can save you energy costs:

  • Ducts can lose up to 30% of their energy through leaks. With ductless air conditioning, energy loss from ducts is not a problem.
  • Ductless air conditioning systems use less power than traditional AC systems. You save on energy costs because you aren’t cooling extra rooms.
  • The ductless systems speed up and slow down rather than shut off completely. Starting up a traditional AC compressor requires a lot of energy.

A ductless air conditioning system may provide the right comfort level for your Auburn, AL, home. To see if a ductless air conditioning system is right for you, call us at Climate Control Heating & Air Conditioning.

Image provided by iStock

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