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A thermostat plays a vital role in keeping your home comfortable by telling your HVAC system when to turn on and off. If yours is in the wrong location, it can get an inaccurate reading, causing your home to become too cold or too warm.

1. Next to a Door

When the temperatures rise outside, a lot of heat can enter your home when you open the door. If your thermostat is near the door, it may incorrectly read the temperature, causing your air conditioner to work harder to cool your home. The opposite can occur in the winter months.

2. Next to a Window

While some modern windows offer excellent insulating properties, older windows do not have the same insulation properties. As a result, the areas around windows can feel warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter. A thermostat placed near a window can reflect that discrepancy.

3. Near a Large Appliance

Appliances, like refrigerators and dryers, can give off a lot of heat, and a kitchen stove can considerably increase the indoor temperature in a room. If you place a thermostat near an appliance, your air conditioner may turn on even when the temperature in your other rooms in your home is quite pleasant.

4. In Direct Sunlight

In the summer, rooms can feel much warmer in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can affect the temperature reading of a thermostat, sometimes significantly.

5. Near an Air Vent

Placing your thermostat near an air vent can give you an inaccurate reading. Whether warm or cool, the air from a vent can influence the reading.

To keep your home comfortable, avoid installing your thermostat in a location that doesn’t accurately reflect the true temperature. If you need help with a thermostat installation in Ellerslie, GA, call Climate Control Heating & Air Conditioning.

Image provided by iStock

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