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During fall and winter in Columbus, GA, it’s just as important as ever to have an efficient heat pump. But how do you know it’s the right size? Here is information that tells you whether your heat pump fits your home.

All Day Operation

Your heater might be too small. If that’s the case, it will run all day or too frequently to try to meet your cooling and heating comfort levels. You will notice high energy bills as it will use much more energy for your space than a properly-sized one would.

If your heating system is too small in Columbus, GA, the extremes of fall weather will be uncomfortable. You will not be able to quite reach a satisfying indoor temperature.

Another factor to consider is that a heat pump loses heating efficiency as temperatures drop. When the temperature is 40 degrees or below, it uses more energy.

Rapid Cycling

When your heating system is too large, it will engage in short (or rapid) cycling. The blower motor will experience excess stress as it will use more energy to turn off and back on more often than it should. You will notice high energy bills due to the waste of excess energy, too.

If your heat pump is too large, you might feel comfortable enough. However, you will spend too much money on energy to keep warm or cool during the fall. Only the right size can provide you with the right amount of both heating and air conditioning.

Avoid Guessing Heat Pump Sizes

Choosing/installing the heating system yourself or an inexperienced installer making a mistake can result in the wrong-sized heating system. The heating system size according to the actual number of tons or BTUs follows the industry standard, the Manual J Test.

It is important to research the performance standards for heating installations of your HVAC company and avoid DIY installation. Your HVAC technician must consider the following factors to determine the right heat pump and size for your home:

  • Local climate
  • Your home’s square footage
  • Your home’s insulation
  • Your household size
  • Any direct sunlight exposure
  • Your home’s windows
  • Your air ducts’ condition

Call Climate Control Heating & Air Conditioning today for prompt, thorough and professional heat pump services for your needs in Columbus, GA. Whether you’re looking for heat pump installation, repair or maintenance, we provide solutions to quickly return you to a comfortable home.

Image provided by iStock

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