With the dead heat of summer upon us, many homeowners in Hamilton, Georgia, find themselves running the AC around the clock. Extensive operation of the AC adds a lot of wear and tear to the unit and can lead to breakdowns. You can reduce air conditioning repairs by using a smart thermostat, changing the air filter regularly, and investing in AC maintenance.
Change the Air Filter
Even during a short period of time, a considerable amount of dust can cover important parts of the AC, which can reduce system efficiency. As the air filter becomes clogged with dust and dirt, this puts more stress on your system. As the AC experiences greater wear and tear, this increases the likelihood of a breakdown. Additionally, the AC handler will work harder than usual to compensate for the restricted airflow, which can lead to overheating. The best way to avoid these problems is to change the air filter regularly.
Invest in AC Maintenance
During an AC maintenance session, the technician will inspect all parts of the cooling system. If you have a forced-air system, the technician will inspect the home’s ductwork and may recommend duct sealing or an energy audit. Plus, an inspection of your cooling system will reveal which parts, if any, need to be replaced to reduce the chance of costly repairs.
Use a Smart Thermostat
Today’s more advanced smart thermostats store historical information regarding room temperatures and homeowner cooling preferences. They use this data to create a cooling pattern that improves indoor comfort while increasing cooling efficiency. Enhancing the efficiency of your AC unit means less likelihood of costly breakdowns and lower monthly bills, too.
Many of today’s smart thermostats also give you advanced information regarding the maintenance status of the AC, such as whether it’s time to change the air filter or to contact an HVAC technician for your regular inspection. Performance alerts given by the smart thermostat can also help you pinpoint and address problems before they turn into costly repairs.
Contact Climate Control Heating & Air Conditioning at 706-405-4796. Speak with one of our technicians about scheduling your next AC maintenance session.
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